
Shouldn’t your life be better than a country-western song?

I started teaching private classical music lessons because what I heard from everyone was frustration.

Piano students were bored with too-simple beginner compositions and a perceived lack of progress; they didn’t have a clear understanding of the music they were performing; and they thought that teachers didn’t address their problems.

Voice students didn’t understand why their voices weren’t reliable; they felt teachers were applying temporary fixes rather      than addressing underlying technique; and teachers relied too much on imagery and imagination rather than science.

I knew I could give students a better outcome.

What you may experience:

 My second-year private classical piano students routinely play pieces that some area piano teachers won’t attempt.

My private classical voice students experience not only reduced stress from singing, and the other health benefits that go with it, but their speaking voices improve after a few months, as well. Because they put less effort into speaking, they have more energy and feel less fatigued.

Children have seen their grades improve. (And their parents have seen their behavior improve, too!)

Benefits of private classical music lessons:

Can you benefit from private music lessons? Not just from the reduced stress, and brain/body/mind enhancements that learning to play an instrument or sing properly will give you, but there are all kinds of other benefits–as if being smarter, more successful, healthier, living longer, and being happier weren’t already enough. Professor Paul Robertson says:

We are approaching the point where a doctor would legitimately be negligent not to actually recommend music as a therapeutic intervention.

Classical music represents some of the highest musical achievements of mankind. If you believe in the law of attraction, what you put your energy into is what you get back. If you really want the best in life, why place your energies into a music culture of failure, or worse, death?

Are you ready?

People tell me all the time how much they want to take piano lessons or voice lessons. Yet, somehow, they never do it. If  you’re ready to improve your life now, find out how I can help you achieve your goals.

Join me!

My unique methods can revolutionize your musical life. 

I’ve been writing for many years about the benefits of taking classical music lessons. If you’re undecided, read the blog and take some time to absorb the information. Then, if you’re in the D/FW area, contact me about taking private classical music lessons. Or contact me about scheduling a master class in your area.

This is only the landing page, so don’t stop reading here–go read the blog! I update blog posts with new information as I receive it, so check on older posts every once in a while. Go ahead, explore the site–you won’t break anything by clicking on it, and if you do, I can unbreak it.  For environmentalsiteguest posting policies, etc., look under the “About” category at the right, or the “About” menu tab at the top of the page.